PPIH Rationalizes Dam Payments for Hajj Officers

JABAR EKSPRES – The Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) has rationalized the payment of sacrificial animal dam at a rational price for hajj officers.

“We have issued a circular letter on the implementation of hajj and umrah animal dam management,” said Director of Hajj Management at the Ministry’s Directorate of Hajj and Umrah Arsyad Hidayat in Mecca, Friday (6/9).

He said the rational number of dam payments is in the range of at least 600 riyals or double the current payment which is still in the range of 300-350 riyals.

“The price of 600 riyals has details from slaughtering, cleaning, to storage and distribution in the Mecca area,” he said.

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Arsyad Hidayat, who is the former head of the Mecca Working Area, said that every officer who pays the dam will get a certificate proving that he slaughtered the dam animal.

Therefore, a place for slaughtering dam animals that has an official permit from the authorized ministry will be sought.

The Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) of Saudi Arabia is also in talks with Baznas in an effort to distribute sacrificial animals to Indonesians other than in Mecca.

If things go well, said Arsyad, trials will be carried out for officers and pilgrims in 2024 so that the benefits of paying dam in Mecca also benefit people in need in the country.

Most members of the Indonesian pilgrims perform tamattu hajj, which is the process of performing umrah first, then performing hajj.

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