Bandung Installs 1,000 EFDs to Increase Local Tax Revenue

Despite setting the target, Iskandar said that his party had obstacles faced in the socialization and installation stages of the EFD, namely there were still taxpayers who were less cooperative and refused to have the equipment installed, then also the owner or manager of the tax object was not present.

“Taxpayers do not need to worry about tax confidentiality. This tax confidentiality guarantee has been guaranteed in accordance with the mandate of Law number 1 of 2022,” he said.

At the same location, the Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana, revealed that the plan to install the EFD tool is relatively not detrimental to taxpayers, because basically taxes are money entrusted by consumers to service entrepreneurs.

On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic in the past few years has had a socio-economic impact on the city of Bandung where the city’s economy in 2020 contracted -2.28 percent, and in 2022 Bandung’s economic growth reached 5.41 percent.

“With the installation of this tool, we can realize our intention to be transparent and accountable together. And hopefully with the COVID-19 pandemic subsiding, we can jointly accelerate the pace of economic growth in Bandung City,” said Yana.

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