Pertamina Participates in Beach Cleanup in Pasaran Island

Read Also: PLN Initiates Makassar City Beach Cleanup Program to Commemorate World Environment Day

Based on data from the National Waste Management Information System (, in 2022 Indonesia will produce around 68.5 million tons of waste and around 18.5 percent of it is plastic waste.

Co-Founder of Gajalah Kebersihan, Dicky Dwi Alfan said the purpose of this activity is that we invite many parties to get to know coastal areas and see firsthand the conditions on the coast.

“Hopefully, this activity can increase public awareness, especially as well as the government and students to be more concerned about waste issues on the coast, especially since Lampung is one of the coastal cities so that this issue can be prioritized,” said Dicky.

This beach cleanup activity managed to collect a total of 573 kg of garbage that littered the market island.

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