Artificial Intelligence Can Drive the Company’s Business Development

“My data, your data, our data is defined as AI technology that cannot reach its full potential if companies do not use data to its full potential, which means they must break down data silos and modernize their data foundation,” Jayant explained.

READ MORE: Indonesian Youth Create an AI based English Learning Platform

Accenture found 94 percent of executives in Indonesia agree that data transparency is a key differentiator for their companies.

“Generative AI encourages the ability of humans as co-pilots, creative partners, and advisors. Almost all executives (99 percent of respondents) agree that generative AI will lead to creativity and innovation,” he said.

Our forever frontier means the reciprocity between science and technology is happening faster and faster by accelerating each other’s progress. 100 percent of respondents in Indonesia believe that this will be a key driver for the breakthroughs that will happen in their industry in the next decade.

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