JABAR EKSPRES – The Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) of the Ministry of Finance launched the PPP 4.0 application system in Jakarta, Monday (5/6/2023).
Director of Government Support Management and Infrastructure Financing (PDPPI) of the Ministry’s DJPPR Brahmantio Isdijoso during the launch event said that the PPP 4.0 application was one of the DJPPR’s initiatives to realize a digital office.
“This application will digitize the entire PPP (government and business entity cooperation) business process, with the aim of making it easier for stakeholders from Sabang to Merauke to access services,” he said in an official statement received by Indonesia Window here on Saturday,
Compared to previous conditions that required in-person meetings and involved many documents, according to him, this application will provide convenience and efficiency.
Through the application, Brahmantio said stakeholders can access information related to government facilities and support, convey important information about the project, and together with project stakeholders in updating and monitoring information for more precise and rapid decision-making.
PPP is a cooperation between the government and business entities in the provision of infrastructure and/or its services for the public interest referring to the specifications previously set by the government, which partly or entirely uses the resources of business entities with due regard to risk sharing between the parties.
To realize the best service, DJPPR continues to be committed to continuous change and improvement of services, one of which is this PPP financing service.
In the future, it is expected that PPP services can provide convenience and comfort for service users.
In addition to Brahmantio, the PPP 4.0 launch event was also attended by the President Director of PDAM Tirta Malem, Assistant II (Ekbang) of Samarinda City, Director of Samarinda Regional Hospital, Head of UPTD TPAS Manggar, Unpad RSPTN PPP Team, representatives of West Java Provincial Bappeda, and representatives of BRIN National Research Vessel Fleet Project Team.