JABAR EKSPRES – Seleksi program pembinaan balap jenjang awal Astra Honda Racing School (AHRS) berhasil meloloskan 7 pebalap yang berasal ..
Komisi III DPRD Banjar Sarankan Penerapan Full Day di Sekolah yang Sudah Siap
JABAR EKSPRES – Ketua Komisi III DPRD Banjar, Cecep Dani Sufyan, memberikan tanggapan terhadap usulan penerapan sistem full day school ..
Usulan Full Day School di Kota Banjar, Antara Harapan dan Kekhawatiran
JABAR EKSPRES – Di tengah silang pendapat soal usulan wacana full day di dunia pendidikan di Kota Banjar, satu pertanyaan ..
World Students Day, Celebrating the Vital Role of Education
JABAR EKSPRES — World Students Day is a significant moment in the global calendar to commemorate the role and contributions ..
UNICEF Indonesia Urges Schools to have Proper Toilets
JABAR EKSPRES – UNICEF Indonesia is encouraging the government to provide proper toilet facilities in schools to provide comfort to menstruating ..
DPRD Leaders: Renovation of Damaged School Buildings Can Begin
JABAR EKSPRES – The leadership of the Surabaya City DPRD, East Java, has urged the local city government to immediately renovate ..
Education Office: 2,553 High School and Vocational School Students Declared Graduates
JABAR EKSPRES –The Jayapura Regency Education and Teaching Office, Papua, said that as many as 2,553 high school and vocational ..
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