Pope Francis has Undergone Surgery without Complications

JABAR EKSPRES – Pope Francis underwent abdominal surgery on Wednesday (6/7) to remove a hernia stemming from a previous intestinal problem.

Doctors at Rome’s Gemelli Hospital said the 86-year-old Pope had regained consciousness after the three-hour operation without any complications.

“He is fine and awake. He is already joking with me,” said Gemelli Hospital surgeon Sergio Alfieri, who performed the procedure.

The Vatican canceled all of Francis’ audiences until June 18, 2023 as he had to stay for a few days in the hospital for post-surgery recovery.

The papal team recently decided that the surgery was necessary to treat a hernia that may have stemmed from a previous operation.

Pope Francis previously underwent intestinal surgery in July 2021 at Gemelli Hospital, when part of his large intestine was removed.

In late March, he was rushed to the same hospital as he started feeling pain in his chest and was diagnosed with bronchitis after being in intensive care for three days.

Francis was put under general anesthesia for laparotomy and abdominal wall plastic surgery with a prosthesis to treat recurrent, painful and worsening intestinal strictures, doctors were informed.

Alfieri explained that it usually takes at least five days to a week for patients to recover from similar procedures.

However, given the whale’s age and the fact that he had already undergone surgery four times, recovery could take longer.

The surgery comes after a series of serious health issues Francis has faced recently.

The pope underwent surgery to remove part of his lung as a young man and has been using a wheelchair for over a year due to strained ligaments in his knees.

His frail health has raised concerns about whether he is fit to lead the Catholic Church in difficult times.

The Pope himself hinted in previous interviews that he would consider the possibility of resigning if his health deteriorates further.

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