Istiqlal Mosque Management Found Around 50 Fake QRIS Barcodes

JABAR EKSPRES — Istiqlal Mosque officials found at least 50 fake QRIS barcode stickers affixed at several points, said Deputy Head of the Jakarta Istiqlal Mosque’s Worship Organizing Division, Abu Hurairah.

“There are 50 (fake QRIS),” he said when contacted from Jakarta, Tuesday (11/4).

Previously, circulating surveillance camera (CCTV) footage shared on social media of someone allegedly deliberately sticking fake QRIS barcode stickers in a number of mosques in South Jakarta.

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The targeted mosques are the Nurul Iman Blok M Square Mosque and the Nurullah Kalibata City Pancoran Mosque. On the QRIS barcode sticker, the perpetrator wrote “Mosque Restoration” to fool muzaki.

But lately, the Jakarta Istiqlal Mosque has also become one of the targets of the perpetrators.

Abu Hurairah said that after the discovery of the forgery, his party immediately reported it to the bank that issued the QRIS to take immediate action.

“It has been submitted to the bank that issued QRIS, they are investigating,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM) of the Nurul Iman Blok M Square Mosque admitted that it had involved the police regarding the perpetrators of the online payment sticker replacement through the “QRIS” bar code.

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“Yes, then we will follow up. Today the police have been involved,” said Secretary of the Nurul Iman Blok M Square Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM), Habibi Katin.

Habibi explained that the perpetrator carried out his first action on Thursday (6/4) morning at around 10.30 WIB. Then his party only found out about the perpetrator’s action on Sunday (9/4) afternoon at around 11.00 WIB through the surveillance camera (CCTV).

“We see that there are only oddities, usually there are no QRIS stickers on the infaq boxes, especially the outer boxes, now there are foreign stickers,” he said.

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