JABAR EKSPRES – The Rector of Universitas Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, emphasized the importance of educational contributions to six new professors or professors who were inaugurated at the local campus on Wednesday (5/10).
The six professors are Prof. Dr. Noorlailie Soewarno SE, M.B.A., Ak, Prof. Dr. Wasiaturrahma SE, M.Si, Prof. Rossanto Dwi Handoyo SE, M.Si, PhD, Prof. Dr. Agung Sosiawan drg, MKes, Prof. Dr. Dra. Indrianawati Usman M.Sc, and Prof. Dr. Sri Herianingrum SE, MSi.
“A comprehensive university is a university that is not only good and excellent in the field of education, but also good in the field of research and development of science and innovation,” said Prof. Nasih.
He added that becoming a professor will certainly increase the mandate, especially regarding the development of the education community in various lines.
The position of professor is often considered as an educated person who is able to become a source of reference for certain scientific studies. So, according to him, an educator must uphold this responsibility.
“With the position of professor, there are certain authorities that have been held. This includes conducting research, guidance, and testing of prospective academics,” he added.
Prof. Nasih talked about the development of technology in the world in line with the development of education. For him, educators have a major contribution and are linear with the development of the world.
Moreover, science can be two blades, namely the positive and negative sides. It is not uncommon for knowledge to be designed only to fulfill the interests of capital owners.
According to him, many phenomena are discussed with a positive tendency. In fact, the reality is quite the opposite. Science is often used as a manipulation tool. Therefore, the community is required to be more observant of the information spread around.