According to her, drought will have an impact on food security in West Java.
Therefore, the West Java DPTH has deployed teams to monitor the impact of drought in various regions, especially food barn areas.
Meanwhile, Head of the Food Security and Livestock Service Office (DKPP) of West Java Province, M Arifin Soendjayana, ensures that food stocks in 27 regencies/cities are safe to deal with the impact of the El Nino natural phenomenon.
“There are regional reserves, West Java Province has 1,400 tons of rice, so it can be disbursed, if there is a deficit in one district/city, we can move it from one district/city to another,” said Arifin.
To monitor food needs in 27 cities/districts, Arifin continued, it can be seen through the Food and Nutrition Monitoring Information System (Simawas Pagi).
“So later it will be seen which regions, for example in terms of the 11 commodities, will show which districts / cities are green, yellow and red,” he said.
In addition to availability, his party ensures that price fluctuations from producers to consumers are not too extreme.
“The West Java Provincial Government has anticipated affordability in terms of prices. Not only DKPP, but from the district / city center,” he said.