Jabar Ekspres – The government of South Solok Regency, West Sumatra, is campaigning to stop child abuse and is committed to providing protection for children.
“The local government gives full support to stop violence against children and this is an effort to raise our collective awareness of all forms of violence against children,” said South Solok Regent Khairunas, during Car Free Day (CFD) at RTH South Solok in Padang Aro, Sunday (11/6).
This joint support was also given by all levels of the South Solok Regency Government, Regional Secretary, Assistants, Expert Staff, Heads of OPD, the community and students who participated in enlivening the CFD.
All levels of society, said the regent, must have the awareness to reject all forms of violence against children under the age of 18.
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Khairunas also thanked the OPDs for organizing community services and for collaborating with each other.
“This is the character of South Solok, OPD, the community who collaborate with each other,” he said.
Chairperson of the Children’s Forum, assisted by the South Solok PPKB and PPA Office, Meizi Hayati Zahra, invited the community to break the chain of violence against children.
“If you find violence against children, immediately report it to the South Solok Women and Child Protection (PPA) Division,” she said.
According to Article 1 paragraph 1 of Law number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, a child is someone who is not yet 18 (eighteen) years old, including children who are still in the womb.
Children as the young generation play an important role in maintaining and inheriting the ideals of the nation.
If children often get inhumane treatment since childhood, then after growing up it will have an impact on the child’s own psychology.