“Then jointly formulate the next steps to realize the community and creative ecosystem in Indonesia,” he continued.
The first BCIC Family Gathering began on March 30, 2023 at the Airlangga University Business Incubator, Surabaya. The second gathering was held on March 31, 2023 at Malang Creative Center, and the third event was held at the National Industrial Design Center in Yogyakarta on April 12, 2023. Finally, the gathering was held in Bandung on May 5, 2023.
Ni Nyoman Ambareny, Director of Miscellaneous Industries and Chemical, Clothing, and Handicraft SMEs at the Directorate General of IKMA, said that during the alumni gathering, the participants not only shared stories about the profile of their respective brands, but also about their experiences participating in various exhibitions abroad and other proud achievements.
“With different potentials, the discussion between BCIC alumni can initiate the birth of collaboration,” Ambareny said.