Provincial Tourism Office Prepares Tourist Guide

JABAR EKSPRES — The Bali Provincial Tourism Office is preparing a guide for domestic and foreign tourists, which includes information on do’s and don’ts while visiting the Island of the Gods.

“We are working with the tourism component, GIPI, PHRI, and everyone, compiling the do’s and don’ts,” said Tjok Bagus Pemayun, head of Bali’s tourism office, on Wednesday (5/3).

“Yesterday, we brought the results to our internal, meeting with the tourism expert group, after this it was taken to the legal bureau,” he added.

He explained that the draft guide for tourists was prepared referring to Bali Province Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2020 concerning tourism implementation standards, Bali Governor Regulation Number 28 of 2020 concerning Bali tourism governance, and other government regulations.

“Outside of the tourism regulations and gubernatorial regulations, there are regulations on the use of plastic waste and various kinds that are in other Bali regulations and gubernatorial regulations,” he said.

The preparation of guidelines for tourists on the island of Bali is targeted to be completed this week. The guidelines will be outlined in leaflets in Indonesian and English and then disseminated to tourists.

The Bali Provincial Government is preparing guidelines so that tourists do not do things that violate the rules and are contrary to local customs and culture.

“This means that tourists must really appreciate the local content, culture, and nature of Bali including being orderly in traffic,” said Tjok Bagus Pemayun.

The preparation of specific guidelines for tourists, he explained, was also aimed at maintaining order in tourism activities on the island of Bali.

“Of course we hope that the tourists who come are tourists who really enjoy the holidays, do not do business, are not reckless on the road, and do not do anything outside the holiday event,” he said.

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